Nick in the school garden

Nick and classmates at the cubbyhouses

Learning about herbs

Nick and Philip in the school garden

School scarecrow

Mr Land talks about the frogs

Listening to the frogs

Philip - Nick's best friend

Nick's handwriting book

Nick's recount book

Penguin art in 1K

Nick at his desk

Jasper, Alex's friend who is joining scouts with him this year

Interactive whiteboard in Alex's classroom, two people can work it at the same time. We watched a slide show about the excursion to Canberra.

Alex created this political cartoon about Tony Abbott

Alex class have been learning about different political systems

Alex's spelling lists with his handwriting

Alex and I in his classroom this morning

The whole of school assembly at which we sang the national anthem to the school band

Concert band
Today is the open day at Nick and Alex's primary school. I will be viewing their classrooms and attending the assembly. The Concert Band is playing and Nick's class will be singing. Education Week is the open week for public schools in NSW.
This is a DET NSW event - and this year's theme is Year of Learning for Sustainability.
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