Saturday, February 26, 2011

At home

Three boys, three electronic devices, Alex: "You know smart boards. Do you think that there will be a smart desk and a smart teacher?"
The serenity of Saturday after a week of school and cousins

Alex: "That's how the avatar does it - but he does it more epic."

Jon and his mini me watching the television

Alex before the meditation demonstration

Jon: "I don't care if Colin Firth wins the Oscar or not."
Terese: "What about the services he has done to make English men more sexy the world over?"
Jon: "I still don't care whether he wins the Oscar or not."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Elsie

Sophia has established "Little Elsie" creating totes and small bags for the stylish. Check out her blog on the blog roll to the left. Here is one of her creations.

Book Club 2011

Henri, Melissa's family dog


Our next book

We met at Melissa's home to talk about the books we read this Summer. Of the books discussed between us favourites were: Olive Kitridge by Elizabeth Stroud, The Caged Virgin by Ayan Hirsi Ali, Andy Warhol; his controversial life art and colourful times by Tony Scherman, Hand me down World by Lloyd Jones, Body Surfing by Anita Shreeve, The Short Goodbye by Elizabeth Wynhausen, Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel. Our next book is Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen.
It is an ongoing conversation that runs between the nine of us. Brought together by the books we read together and separately.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nambucca Heads

David driving us to Bellingen
Rosie the kitten

Sea Glass Collection

I headed to Paula and David's to see them, talk and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Nambucca River and beaches. The walk along the beach was wonderful. Swimming in the Bellingen River was cool and centreing. I didn't manage to take every photo that I wanted but those untaken images are captured in my memory... Ruby is busy studying for Yr 12 and working. Sophia has a cottage industry started with her funky Little Elsie designs for totes and bags. Paula cooked Syrian Chicken for Danene and Mack who came on Saturday night. The conversations were wide and varied but always entertaining. Thanks for a lovely weekend.

The Music of Bellingen

Everywhere in Bellingen at the markets and in the town streets there were musicians on Saturday. It made a great vibe with drummers, family acts, guitarists, didgeridoo players, percussionists, and rock acts. It was not possible to walk 50 metres without hearing new music. I really enjoyed walking around finding music everywhere.

Bellingen Markets

The Magic Sand Tent
Sacred Geometry Book
Handmade in Australia soaps

Daryl Jesse

Paula and David watching the skydivers land on the oval

Children in the tree watching the music stage

Indian Curry Stall

Bellingen River

I have to write more about swimming in the Bellingen River. It was one of those hot days in the country with cicadas and moments under the deep shade of mature trees. The town streets were punctuated by music and friends. Driving to the spot in the river that Paula called 'The Never Never' was a journey through fields of yellow lit green. Walking along the river bank to the swimming hole was just adding to the experience. Then we were there. The air around was dry and hot. The water was cool and moving. From shallows to deep natural pools. I floated through the current wearing my sarong and immersed into the cool rock filtered waters of the Bellingen River.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Through the double doors I lay

Watching, waiting as I stay

Waiting for the one who'll come.

The one with the keys

Seeking the break of dawning day.

Following my soul's path as I lay.

The hand upon the swimming lock

Lifts as if to break and mock.

Then through the trees the new day breaks

As I leave on the path that I will take.

Walking forward from night's grasp

Into the life that holds me fast.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chinese New Year

Competitor tents at Darling Harbour for the Dragon Boat teams
Year of the Rabbit, Nick and Alex in rabbit masks
Fountain patterns
Dragon Boat team
Chinese New Year lucky red envelopes
Alex and Nick at the Lion Gate entrance to the Chinese gardens of friendship
Chinese Garden landscape
Eastern water dragon at the Chinese Garden, "it must be introduced" remarked Tom

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Joanna and Madeline

Joanna (left) and Madeline (right)

We had a visit from Charlotte's sister who is now in Australia with her friend Jo, as they set out on a six month working holiday hoping to travel and see the sights. With the ravages of the summer Australia needs as many young visitors as possible, so I hope that they have a great time and lots of their friends are encouraged to travel this way as well.