Monday, November 30, 2009

Bush Care

it's going to be Twenty Ten next year - yes the 21st Century has finally got off to a flying start. Lots of things have happened this year, Climate Change is big news, there has been more funding for infrastructure put into State Education by the Federal Government, I have three kids at school, I am finally a teacher with 3 yrs experience, we didn't lose a tree this year, ok there is still time for this to happen but I'm keeping my fingers crossed..........renewable energy is topical, we could gradually see the end of petrol driven cars in favour of electronic, or solar.
And here is my pic that has been picked for the Bush Care calendar,

Ten things about being Ten

It's four weeks and less to go to Alex's Birthday. He will be 10. This means we will have reached a total of 27 years of parenting if you combine all the ages of our kids! Not that we are any wiser for it. Here are 10 things I like about Alex:
1. The maths brain
2. He likes to play chess
3. Prefers one on one sports to team sports - like Tae Kwon Do and Fencing
4. Wants to have a go at Ice Hockey because he loves skating fast
5. Always has a calm temperament (well mostly)
6. Finds a way to handle being middle brother
7. The school homework is too easy so he leaves it till he has to do it
8. Enjoys my cooking
9. Wants to be a successful and financial wizz when he grows up
10. Is a good guy
Happy Birthday Alex (in four weeks)
Al the thinker.

Monday, November 16, 2009

New York

Travelling to New York in 1994 I was struck by the enormous energy that the City inspires. Even from the air the lights of the buildings and streets by night dazzle with their brightness and illumination. When I was there I was working outside New York and travelled in by train from New Haven Connecticut to spend weekend days visiting museums and art galleries and eating at restaurants and cafes. I visited the Empire State Building and the World Trade Centre to watch New York from above and see the ice floes in the Hudson River. The Chagalls at the Guggenheim were particularly memorable as was the Temple of Dendur and the Cloisters at the Metroplolitan Musem of Art. Walking down 5th Ave, and window shopping in Barneys. Taking a carriage ride in the wintry snow of Central Park. I will return one day.
In the meantime we have Jay Z and Alicia Keys singing "Empire State of Mind". The track is gritty and written by Jay Z as an anthem to his past and future. He doesn't necessarily share everyone's culture and social mileu but he sings it real. Alicia Key's chorus lifts the song and gives it an upbeat feel.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Roseville Garden

Sometimes you come across a garden that has been built over decades and allows it's gardener to apreciate and experience it as a fuller flowering of plants and layers.
The photos here are of such a garden. Roslyn's Garden.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

School Performance

In what way is school performance linked to learning and teaching behaviours?
To what extent can a teacher make a difference where a student's ability to learn is impaired by their learning behaviours?
These are the questions that are asked over and over at last night's parent teacher night for Tom.
Teachers would overwhelmingly like to teach students who do not have learning behaviour which is outside their teaching style.
Students would like to learn without having to meet rigid teaching styles.
Formal schooling in Australia is now compulsory to age 17. For most students this will mean that they are in school until the completion of Yr 12 - 13 years of schooling. It will still be possible to be enrolled at TAFE after Yr 10 on a full time basis to complete the years of schooling.
The pressure this places on junior school teachers is obvious, all years of education are now geared towards the HSC. Even yr 7 students sit two papers for their English exams in replica of the final formal and compulsory English exam in Yr 12. Texts are studied for essays and their examinable content. Students in lower grades are having their educations focussed by formal assessment tasks. There is no longer scope for individual learning styles and wider reading. Yes the books that we all read in between - the ones that we learned to love and re read in our adult years and share with our own children.

The exam system is flawed as a sole teaching and learning model.
It is failing our son. It is no fun for teachers - or students.

If you have comments on this topic I would like to read them......

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Music Night

To get your music badge you need to demonstrate knowledge about your chosen musical instrument and play a piece for the troup. There was a lot of musical talent in Tom's scouting group, and many different musical instruments were played. Tom played his violin.

Fun at the Fair

At the St Thomas Fair there was a tea cup merry go round which the boys liked. The all day fun pass this year included jumping castles, a slippery dip and a wrestling ring that you could knock down your opponent with a large blow up pole. With some food to go it was a fun afternoon. Maybe I will get to go back and see the Art today.