Saturday, April 20, 2013

13 Rooms at Pier 2/3 Hickson Rd Walsh Bay 11-21 April 2013

 the queue
 into this popular art exhibit was worth waiting in

 John Kaldor, Australia's most influential patron of the modern arts
 inside each room had its own white box and a door, some rooms had their own queues
 Thirteen Colourful Inside Jobs 2013 by John Baldessari
 Twins 1992 by Damien Hirst
 Georgia and Paris Taia - who spoke when asked questions to
We went to 13 Rooms curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Klaus Biesenbach, the 27th Kaldor Public Art Project. There were lots of people queued up for this free event. One of the rooms was 45cm tall and had one person lying in it with a ceiling lamp. I didn't feel comfortable photoing this person in such an uncomfortable space. Another of the rooms I really liked as the artists were inside it on a small plinth - two young women - Sarah Clark and Nicole Beaumont - the artist was Clark Beaumont and the room called Coexisting 2013. The two women were twined around each other and spoke softly to one another. I thought that this room had a beautifully edged vulnerability and truth about it. This was my favourite room. I like the centreing effect of female energy.

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