Monday, November 16, 2009

New York

Travelling to New York in 1994 I was struck by the enormous energy that the City inspires. Even from the air the lights of the buildings and streets by night dazzle with their brightness and illumination. When I was there I was working outside New York and travelled in by train from New Haven Connecticut to spend weekend days visiting museums and art galleries and eating at restaurants and cafes. I visited the Empire State Building and the World Trade Centre to watch New York from above and see the ice floes in the Hudson River. The Chagalls at the Guggenheim were particularly memorable as was the Temple of Dendur and the Cloisters at the Metroplolitan Musem of Art. Walking down 5th Ave, and window shopping in Barneys. Taking a carriage ride in the wintry snow of Central Park. I will return one day.
In the meantime we have Jay Z and Alicia Keys singing "Empire State of Mind". The track is gritty and written by Jay Z as an anthem to his past and future. He doesn't necessarily share everyone's culture and social mileu but he sings it real. Alicia Key's chorus lifts the song and gives it an upbeat feel.

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