Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nick Update

Nick with his AUSKICK Participation Medal
Me at home

Hi Everyone,

I get to write in Mum's blog - yay!! This is the list of 10 things that I did in the school holidays;

1. Shopping for new jeans and shoes
2. Playing on the wii nintendo - favourite game is Super Smash Bros Brawl
3. Leggo buildings and city scape
4. Cooking cheese toasted sandwiches and eating ice cream on a cone.
5. Seeing Leo and Heath when they came to our home
6. Playing at the skate park and in Centennial Park
7. Getting a new lunch box for school
8. Playing on the internet
9. Picking up Alex from Tae Kwon Do and watching the pattern moves
10. Drawing pictures and reading Dr Seuss books out loud to Mum

Plus growing a little taller.

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