Friday, February 27, 2009


Sometimes I post a fashion entry. Today I would like to update you on the delights of getting refitted for brassieres. Which I believe is the proper french spelling. I sashayed into my local bra shop and headed for the tired and true Formfits - only they don't fit me any more so I put those back. "You need to try wearing a Fayereform bra," the shop assistant and personal bra fitter intoned. "Okay I think I am a 14DD but once I bought one of these on sale and it was a 16G." I replied. However, I thought to myself, that could have been postpartum. I was ushered back to the fitting room and tried this new style on - perfect. "You could also try one of these Elle MacPherson bras they are very popular but difficult to fit." "So I'm giving you a 14D, 14DD, and a 16DD. Show me what they look like on." "Aaah," she said "the 16DD is perfect it fits you well and doesn't pull around the back." I looked in the mirror my breasts looked like lop sided rock melons. "I think that today I'm going to be 16 yrs of age and take the 14." "But it doesn't fit you," she said. "I'll take the 14," I asserted. Only a woman of my age knows what it is like to go through this. It's not so much the thought of wearing a size 16 bra as the knowledge that other parts are size 16 as well. Therefore I will continue to wear size 14 and even 12s while I can.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Absolutely. You can also cut the labels out if you don't like them. Try Calvin Klein too. They're so expensive, they might as well look good too.