Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Western Plains

This was some of the Condobolin countryside around my cross-country check point.


Paula said...

Hello dear. Wow. You are in an upmarket Collarenebri, but the similarities are very much there. Where are the kids? Your new head teacher, Robyn Walsh, has just moved from Macksville. Tell her you're David's cousin-by-marriage. My own blog is much more tongue in cheek, but the funny thing is, everything relevant was in it when I looked back on it. So, have a read...

Isn't it funny that your only other comment also came from Paula?

Love from Mary Hitler

Paula said...

Hello again, I'm having trouble leaving comments for you. Wow. Condobolin. Waiting to here more about your students and fellow teachers. Who are you living with. Lots and lot of questions to follow. Love Paula.