Monday, November 21, 2011

Bush Regen

It started in 1999 for me, pregnant with Alex I went to the National Trust Bush Care Techniques Workshop at Mowbray Park. Then I joined my first Bush Care group in Castle Cove at the oval and learnt about what it takes to volunteer in a team. I met Dick Smith's mother who brought lovely morning teas each month and made jokes about her son and his childhood to us, I made friends with people who loved the bush and connected with them. And so to Castlecrag, finally living in bushland with its own bushcare group. In Retreat Reserve, we work in dry and wet sclerophyll rain forest and there has been bush regen on our block over the last twelve months to connect the land with the bush. Today I started my first paid bush regen job, next year I will enrol at Tafe to compete a qualification in this work. In twelve years my life has changed completely.


Picasso in his studio in the 1960s, strong bold and innovative at the height of his skills
The crane is a symbol of longevity and peace
This Buddha is carved with two Bodhisattva in attendance, more blessings
A silver ornament worn on the back by men as part of Miao dress in China early 1900s
Robert Klippel's sculpture as perfect as his smaller models but larger than life
Watching the installation of images in the upper Asian art galleries, wrapt in silhouette

The Picasso Exhibition will run until 25th March 2012, brought to Sydney from the Musee de Picasso in Paris housed in his attelier that is being renovated while the works travel the globe.