Green waves of foliage
Moving against the southerly
Airstream coming into
The middle harbour from the
Heads across the cliffs
That shelters the entrance to Sydney.
A flight of white cockatoos
Scream across the canopy
Ramping it up to claim their space
From other birds.
Territories marked
Later sunshine and whip birds
Calling mating nesting
Retreat Reserve spring has sprung
The trails of secret fingers
Erupt in dead logs
Lining the trail that we make
As we run through the ferns down
To the sandy banks of the rocky shoreline
Nature on our doorstep
Intruding into the space of the native undergrowth
Its canopy protecting the forest floor from weeds
Running calling 'watch for vines'
My sure footed lads
Cascade through the trees
Their feet flying
Leading balance to their upper bodies
We rest at Retreat Beach
Gasping at the audacity of our
Silent agreement
To protect this wild place
From all else