Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maths Teaching

Hi, I haven't blogged for a while because I'm teaching maths. There are lots of skills I suddenly need to develop. Like typing the division sign on a keyboard using ascii, which I can't do on blogger. Hopefully there will be new photos this weekend. Well it's 6.42am and I have to go to school. Love Terese x

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Jill

This is the skype snapshot of everyone waving goodbye after singing Happy Birthday to Jill.
19th March 2011. 80 years young. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a slice of cake to come winging our way in the post. In this photo is Adam, Jill, Leah, Robin, Marsha, Stephen and Jane.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The curve of the bend

My strategies buoyed my enthusiasms

As I drove the Bilgola bends

Northward to Avalon Beach

There I found Bookoccino

And rested within her doors

Seeping into my veins the

Literature held in the books

Later I drove southward

To Newport Beach.

The surfers were out.

A young boy picked his way

Through the swell

Zipping his wetsuit

Casually tossing his bodyboard

Over the breaking waves.

He swam expectantly out

To the last shore break

And bobbed up and down

At one with the sea.

The beach was deserted.

I could see four people

In the distance of

That great sweep

Of Australian coastline

Ultramarine blue and shell

Crushed sands

Ours always ours

And never theirs.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Clean Up Australia Day

Retreat Reserve at low tide

The creek running into the harbour

Water weathered rock

Mangrove berries

Carrick volunteering for Clean Up Day
Carrick will be in Venice in seven days time

Nick and Bush Carers at afternoon tea
Lorraine and Nick
Peter and Lorraine

It is our third year running a Clean Up Day event in the Reserve. Today we met at 3pm on the low tide and focused our efforts on cleaning up the plastic waste in the mouth of the creek. Afterwards we stayed on at Retreat Beach for drinks and nibbles.

Friday, March 4, 2011

MCA Visit with Paul and Karola

At night the stars come out and the city shimmers with shadows and lit architecture. The lighting on the Opera House has been reset to give greater luminosity to the sails, it looks awe inspiringly beautiful. It is the fulcrum to the skyline that is Sydney.
Grosvenor Place in George Street, vertical light bars

John Lennon with Yoko Ono at Annie Leibovitz Photography on at MCA and open on Thursday nights until April 26. Five hours after this photo was taken John Lennon was no longer with us. This photograph has been described as a Pieta for the late 20th Century. Everyone was still in the room during this part of the video installation.

Hemmesphere four floors of fine wine and dining. We ate at Sushi-e.

Karola, Paul and Jon my companions for the evening