1. Fix the swimming pool
2. Do the laundry
3. Go to the supermarket
4. Visit Janet's Art Supplies
5. Remove a sandstone boulder off the house
What - exactly what I said after I called to J to come and see this. One of our garden sandstone boulders had slipped in the night and was now resting against our bedroom window. Fortunately Castlecrag has its own resident landscaper and boulder remover. He quickly arrived at our place and checked the situation out. He's coming back on Monday to begin excavating.
I was glad to see some blue skies this afternoon and take the opportunity to hang some washing out. J cooked a beautiful clafoutis aux cerises for dessert and the kids are now watching The Real Lost Worlds on Discovery. I feel however that the real lost world is outside our front door.
We have everything in our garden insectwise and are inhabiting the edge of a rainforest.
People in glasshouses should not throw sandstone boulders. Who was it that said that?